Dr.Hamer shows us that there are 2 types of breast cancer, lobular carcinoma and intraductal carcinoma.
Lobular cancer develops a tumour growth in the active conflict phase, the moment the conflict is resolved the tumour will stop growing and degradation of the tumour will begin. The nature of the conflict is related to the worry for the well being of loved one, laterality applies. Where the tumour is close to the surface of the skin there is always a possibility of perforation of the skin, pain will begin near the end of the healing phase and there may be some discharge from the nipple which will release the pressure from within the breast tumour. Once the healing process has finished the if the tumour has not fully degraded then it may calcify and become benign. Surgery for a lumpectomy may be the only necessary course of action.
Intraductal cancer begins with ulceration in the active phase, the moment the conflict is resolved the the ulceration stops and the repatriation of the tissue begins. The nature of the conflict is related to a brutal separation of a loved one.
During the healing phases it is important to follow a diet of fresh foods and eliminate processed and junk foods.